When to Prune Fruit Trees: 4 Signs

Whether you have a large orchard or one citrus or cherry tree in your yard, pruning fruit trees can be tricky. This article from your trusted tree service in Missouri City, TX, outlines when to prune fruit trees at the correct time of year – something many overlook!

When to Prune Fruit Trees

If you’re a gardener, you know that pruning fruit trees is essential to ensuring they produce the best fruit possible. But how do you know when to prune your fruit trees? Here are some tips:

Prune Fruit Trees After the First Growing Season

Prune fruit trees after the first growing season, when the fruit is mature and has fallen from the tree. During this time of year, fruit is still ripening and is not yet ready for picking.

Overall, the best time to prune fruit trees is late winter or early spring before new growth starts. Another thing to remember about when to prune fruit trees: if you plant a new tree or want to move one, do not do annual pruning until it has established itself for at least two years. You can also prune fruit trees in late summer or early fall, which would be after you have harvested most of your fruit for that year. 

Prune Fruit Trees in Early Spring to Reduce Their Size

Pruning fruit trees in early spring is the best time to do it. You can prune them anytime, but you must not neglect to prune them after they have flowered in early spring. You can also do summer pruning if you have a small tree and want to keep it small.

Pruning fruit trees in early spring helps them produce more fruit and healthier fruit. It will also help them grow bigger and stronger by removing dead branches and diseased wood that could infect the rest of the tree.

Prune Newly Planted Fruit Trees in Late Winter to Accelerate Their Growth

If you have just planted a fruit tree, you’ll want to prune it in late winter, which is generally a dormant season. This is an excellent time to prune because there is little chance of frost damage to the developing buds. The earlier you prune, the more vigorous trees you’ll have in spring and the greater their chances for survival and fruit production.

Prune Fruit Trees with Dead or Diseased Branches

Pruning fruit trees is a way to keep them healthy and productive. It is an important consideration when thinking of when to prune fruit trees because it removes any diseased or dead branches that may be taking nutrients away from the rest of the tree.

You should also prune trees with lateral branches that cross each other or grow too close together. Also, remove branches growing at an odd angle or those damaged by insects or animals. You should also prune off any side shoots that grow out from the main branch of the tree; these are called suckers, and they can cause problems for your tree if left unchecked.

Contact the Tree Trimming Experts in Missouri City, TX, for Service

Do you need to prune your fruit trees but don’t know where to start? Call Nature’s Tree Removal for advice. We know you want to get the most out of your fruit trees, so we’re here to help!

With our expertise, you can learn about our tree trimming and pruning services. We’ll teach you when to prune fruit trees, what type of fruit tree pruning will benefit your trees, and how often you should trim them.

Give us a call today at 713-824-9036 to schedule an appointment. We also offer services like tree removal, stump grinding, and tree trimming in Missouri City, TX.

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